Intra is a NATURAL BOTANICAL SUPPLEMENT that provides your body with all the goodness your ancestors enjoyed from their diets.

Think of it as Mother Nature's best ingredients helping to correct the imbalances caused by today's hectic lifestyle.

Intra blends Traditional Wisdom documented for at least 3000 years with Modern Science providing a FOOD SUPPLEMENT which promotes good health.

Intra combines knowledge of the powerful effects that herbs, plants, roots, tree bark, leaves and flowers (the botanicals) can have on human well-being - with advanced science, to create a NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT geared to today's lifestyle.

Herbal Intra drink boosts and cleanses your immune system, optimum health naturally.

Intra's time-tested and trusted botanicals give you the phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients) and antioxidants missing from your diet. As a NATURAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT Intra's precise formula of 23 botanical extracts work better together than each one individually, to provide your body with the balance it needs for a state of health and well being.